5 Disc Diseases Webinar Quiz

5 Disc Diseases Webinar Quiz


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    1. Which of the following types of disc disease is best described as a low-volume, high velocity extrusion of disc material into the spinal cord.
    Type I
    Type II
    Type III
    Fibrocartilagenous emboli

    2. The evolution of discospondylitis into a space occupying abscess surrounding the spinal canal is called:

    3. Which of the following is considered a poor prognostic indicator of long term success in regards to disc disease at the lumbosacral junction (L7-S1)?
    The degree of spinal pain
    Urinary or fecal incontinence
    The presence of a root signature in the pelvic limb
    The size of the disc rupture on the MRI
    Decreased spinal reflexes in the pelvic limbs

    4. Which of following is NOT considered a common treatment of Type III disc disease?
    Emergent surgical decompression
    Pain medications
    Medications to support micturition
    Exercise restriction

    5. In regards to the T2W signal seen in the spinal cord secondary to a fibrocartilagenous emboli, which of the following would indicate a good prognosis?
    A lesion less than 2 vertebral segments in length
    A lesion in the caudal cervical intumescence
    A lesion that is only 80% of the cross sectional area of the spinal cord
    A lesion at the lumbosacral intumescence


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    (678) 400-0042
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    (804) 716-4716
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