We are very excited to announce that Deanna Swartzfager, RVT, one of our amazing technicians, has been selected to present her case report at this year’s ACVIM Forum in Seattle. Deanna will be presenting Status Epilepticus, Ventricular Arrhythmia, and Suspected Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus due to Right Temporal Lobe Neoplasia in a Canine.

Each year, several technicians are selected to present a unique or interesting case in the areas of cardiology, neurology, internal medicine, oncology, transfusion medicine, or nutrition. The case must exemplify the use and application of a high degree of veterinary nursing skills and assessment, and also demonstrate that patient outcome was, in part, linked to nursing care provided. An award will be given to the overall best presentation.

We are so proud of Deanna’s accomplishment and we wish her the best of luck!


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