Odie came to BVNS Leesburg in May after suffering an acute intervertebral disc herniation. Odie was essentially paralyzed in all 4 limbs and began having trouble breathing. An MRI scan showed that his herniated disc was causing severe compression to the spinal cord.

Dr. Bensfield performed surgery which was succuessful! When Odie was discharged from the hospital, he was already showing some return of movement in one of his front legs.By the time his incision was healed and sutures could be removed, Odie had regained the ability to walk and he has continued to improve since then!

Odie’s owner has since thanked Dr. Bensfield, “There are no words to thank her enough as well as her team because they continue to check up on our dog. Thank you Bush Vet! My family and I don’t know what we would’ve done without you all, you gave Odie life again.”


Atlanta, GA
(678) 400-0042
Leesburg, VA
(703) 669-2829
Richmond, VA
(804) 716-4716
Rockville, MD
(301) 637-4248
Springfield, VA
(703) 451-3709